Welcome to “Enlightenment in Evolution”

A program dedicated to raising awareness and seeing life from another perspective.

Our purpose is to provide valuable information and life changing tools to take control and transform all aspects of being: emotional, mental, health, relationships, economy, spirituality. Being conscious that we have the ability to choose: either let life choose your destiny, as it happens to most people on the planet, or consciously create it. That’s right, you can create the destiny you want in every aspect of your life.

Are you looking to improve your health?

Can’t control those negative emotions that affect you?

Are you looking to harmonize your relationship?

Do you want to improve your finances?

Do you feel that there is a great power within you and you don’t know how to activate it?

Do you feel that your life does not have the meaning that you really want?

Do you feel that you don’t have the opportunities you deserve?

Are you looking for a new direction in your life?

Enlightenment in Evolution is designed to train people to activate the great power that is dormant deep within the subconscious to create the life they deserve.

These are critical and decisive times, where we have the power to choose to be part of the destruction of our planet, our only home, or to be part of the evolution that earth needs, to co-exist in perfect harmony.

Conscious Evolution.

How To Design The Life You Want

It is essential that you are aware that you have the power to design the life you want to live. In this episode you are

Read MoreHow To Design The Life You Want


How to Change Emotional Habits

Establishing an “Emotional State” of security and certainty is fundamental in our lives. It is the base from where everything you have and want to

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Emotions vs Emotional States

The difference between emotions and emotional states. What is a biochemical reaction? When one understands what an emotion is and how an emotional state is

Read MoreEmotions vs Emotional States


Conscious Evolution

Miguel and Maggie present this new program called “Enlightenment in Evolution” where they talk about what the audience can expect in the next shows. What

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