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I love to travel and in most of my travels I always took my boots along with me. I started thinking about how awesome it would be to start taking pictures off my boots in all the different places that I would travel too, and it was just a wonderful idea until Chaco Canyon.

As I walked through the mysterious ancient ruins of Chaco Canyon, feeling the Spirit of the land and of all who have walked here before me, I knew that it was time for boots and I to start our adventures as the ā€œDiary of the Traveling Bootsā€. I took my boots off as I stood by the ruins of one of the Great Houses and placed the boots on the wall and took the first picture.

There was no turning back, Boots and I will travel the world together, and that was that. As I stood on the dirt with my socks on feeling the energy vibrating through me from pacha-mama I knew that this was exactly what needed to happen. This was why I had that thought move through me for so long and why Boots and I needed to take this journey together.

It was not my first time at Chaco Canyon, but it was the first time that I was able to walk the actual ruins. Prior to that we had made 2 attempts to enter into the park, but each of those times, the park was closed for one reason or another, and thanks to that we had the opportunity to drive around the area to see the beauty that Chaco is and holds. The first time there, we drove around and stoped at a near by area were we found a perfect place to sit and watch the sunset. Itā€™s a quick hike to a small cave that became our spot. Itā€™s a wonderful place to sit and meditate, journal and just simply be.

The first time I arrived to Chaco brought me memories from my past lives. One of which I could feel as we were driving down the road, it transported me to a time when I was traveling be on a horse-and-buggy and I could feel how the wooden wheels bumped on the dirt road. It all felt so real, even the feeling of the wind on my face and the smell of the fresh air. My heart was beating with excitement the closer and closer we got to the entrance of the park. When we arrived to the guest center I had to get out of the car and walk the grounds, reach down into the dirt and reconnect with what once was. My Soul felt one with this land, it remembered itā€™s energy, I could feel how the vibration of this land not only remembered me but welcomed me with open arms. The beauty of being able to embrace a place by simply being present to it. Oh how wonderful.

Walking into the park where the ruins are for the first time was very emotional for me. Third timeā€™s a charm they say and so it was. Looking out through a window of one of the ruins brought me back memories of a life that I once had. Looking out through a window that I had done once before was surreal, and moved lots of emotions within me. I felt nostalgia and at the same time I was enjoying the experience for what it was, ā€œMaggieā€™s first time at the ruins in Chaco Canyonā€. The beauty of the Divine Dichotomy.

I began to have visions of how things use to look, and what certain buildings were used for. It was as if the ruins were talking to me, and I was listening. I listened to the grandmother wind, mother earth, grandfather ruins and father sun. They all had a story to tell, and I was there as a child sits around the fire listening to the wisdom of the shaman and medicine woman. Aho!

Chaco Canyon holds many secrets from the past. Itā€™s regarded as a sacred place by many and itā€™s mystery and energy continues to bring visitors from all over the world now as it did before. There is a strong Spiritual connection, because it was a place of Ceremony where tribes from all over the Americas traveled to throughout the years. For those that are sensitive to readying and feeling energies, you will find yourself connecting to this land, itā€™s frequency and vibration at a much deeper level. There are many energetic places on this planet that hold very strong energy fields and Chaco Canyon is definitely one of them.

This is how the story began with Boots and I, and itā€™s a pleasure to share our adventures, travels and journey with you. May our stories transport you to new places and fill your life with curiosity, joy and wonder.

In Abundance,

Maggie Ramirez

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